Mark's Gospel: A manifesto of radical Christian discipleship
With Rev Simon Woodman
Hosted by Cardiff Adult Christian Education Centre, City URC Church, Widsor Place, Cardiff.
Mondays 10.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m.
Four sessions starting 31 January 2011
This course will explore ways in which Mark‘s gospel can speak directly to the world we live in today. We will encounter again the call to radical Christian discipleship which so transformed the lives of those who first heard it, and we will investigate ways in which that same call can be heard in the twenty-first century. With an emphasis on the social, economic and political dimensions of discipleship, the words of Jesus can be heard to echo down the centuries, raising vital questions for those who would follow him today.
31st Jan 2011 - Encountering the radical messiah
7th Feb 2011 - Engaging in radical relationships
14th Feb 2011 - Living a radical life
21st Feb 2011 - Asking radical questions
Core Text: Ched Myers et al, “Say to This Mountain” Mark’s Story
of Discipleship, Orbis Books, New York: 1996
Course Fee: £20
Simon Woodman is a lecturer in the South Wales Baptist College